Monday, April 5, 2010

What if My Worst Fear Is Coming True?

Before the election, I worried about Obama's ties to radicals like Bill Ayers. I worried about where the money came to take trips to Pakistan and Afghanistan in his twenties, with no apparent income source. I worried about his father and step-father being Muslim. I worried that he received significant money from prominent Palestians. I worried when he could not produce an original birth certificate.

A decade ago, I read a book called "Radical Islam Can America Survive? It discusses several ways radical Islamics are planning to destroy and conquer North America. It was written by an Israeli intelligence officer. He pointed out that one way to destroy the United States or Canada is to collapse the economy. I am really worried that America is well on her way to financial collapse. Another way is for radicalized Islamic people to infiltrate themselves into positions of power and importance. Now if one were to become President, we'd be done for. This was my greatest fear. What if America were under nuclear attack, and Obama refused to retaliate?

Obama's propensity towards favoring Islam is becoming crystal clear. Last week, Obama insulted the Prime Minister of Israel, telling him "if you change your mind over the settlements in Jerusalem, get in touch with my people." This statement favors the radical Palestinian solution for peace, by ceding part of Jerusalem. We see Obama's favor towards Islam in his spineless reactions to Iran's nuclear prolification. In addition, he could of helped usher in a coup d'etat when the country was in a state of civil unrest, but chose to do nothing. In Afghansistan, it took Obama months to commit to a surge (he was originally against the surge in Iraq as well) When he relented and increased the troops numbers, he sent almost all of the troops General McCrystal requested to Afghanistan.

This week Obama (whether he knew it or not) chose to elevate the "brotherhood of man" on the Christian religion's holiest day- Easter. The Christian religion teaches there is only one way to heaven- belief in the the Lord Jesus Christ. Obama chose Easter Sunday to say "we also remember the shared spirit of humanity that inhabits us all -- Jews and Christians, Muslims and Hindus, believers and nonbelievers alike." I do not see the "shared spirit of humanity" among radicalized Muslims. He is the only President I can ever remember that refused to participate in the National Day of Prayer.

Maybe you can see now when the shivers went up my spine when I heard today's news. According to the New York Times, "for the first time, the United States is explicitly committing not to use nuclear weapons against nonnuclear states that are in compliance with the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, even if they attacked the United States with biological or chemical weapons or launched a crippling cyberattack."

This statement, almost says to our enemies "Come and get us, we won't retaliate." Either Obama is very naive or he has stupidly taken away one of our greatest deterrents. He has in essense, kissed a rattlesnake.