My bumper stickers were waving high in the air, behind Mike Huckabee and Neil Bortz. If you saw the clip they were waving right along with the Fair Tax signs. The night concluded with Mike on base. It was an absolutely, unforgetable and amazing day.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
The SC Fair Tax Rally
Onto the Fair Tax Rally
Familes turned out
I found many people of like minds
Tea Party
Friday, April 10, 2009
A Prayer at Passover
Today is Good Friday, a time when Christian’s believe that Jesus shed his blood, to cover sin, and free people from its guilt and condemnation. Today Good Friday falls in Passover week, just as it did two thousand years ago. Passover is a time when the Israelites were spared from the angel of death by the lamb’s blood covering their doorposts. Without the blood covering, the firstborn of every household in Egypt died. Christian’s believe without the blood covering people are certain to die an everlasting death.
Today I see at least ten plagues besieging America. We are succumbing to them of our own volition. And many of us are succumbing to the angel of death, because of them.
Ten Plagues Visiting America
VIOLENCE: There has been a total disregard for human life in our society. The most dangerous place for a person to be today is on the womb. There were 3,639, 842 abortions in 2008. Compare this to the total combat causalities in Iraq: 3,426 since the war began in 2003. There is virtually no outcry for the unborn in comparison. Nor are we safe from predators outside of the home, or abusers within. There were 16,204 murders in 2008. Compare that to the 230 murders in the United States one hundred years ago, in 1908. Incidences of domestic violence numbered almost a million last year.
GREED: The Almighty dollar, or the worship of “Mammon” as it was called in Egypt’s day, has superceded the worship of God. God has been removed from our pulpits in favor of PC messages. God is not given preeminence in our family life. God has been removed from our schools. Sadly, it is more important to gain earthly riches than eternal ones.
LIES: History is being revised- our Judaic-Christian heritage is being removed as politically correct police patrol our airways. No longer can you trust the news, it either deliberately commits lies, or fails to report things accurately by omission. We were just told yesterday, by the White house, that our President did not bow to the Saudi Arabian King. Did we not see him bow with our own eyes? (please see previous blog at
LUST: Pornography is rampant. It is not safe to watch television with your children in the prime- time viewing hours. Some have even argued that pornography should be allowed in public libraries (Just ask our assistant Attorney General)
GLUTTONY: Just think of how Americans consume a holiday meal. We overeat, and do not share our extra portion with the world. We feast while the world is experiencing famine. The World Health Organization estimates that one-third of the world is well-fed, one-third is under-fed, and one-third is starving.
SLOTH: Many Americans are just plain lazy. Our new zeal for socialism believes it is the government’s job to provide for our citizen's needs-not the citizens themselves. There is a growing sentiment that the poor are entitled to the wealth of the rich.
ENVY: Very few people are satisfied with what they have. There is no limit to what is enough for the “Joneses”. At what point is enough, enough? Judging from the mansions of the rich and famous, there doesn’t seem to be a limit.
PRIDE: We are way too focused on the outward appearance- we know more about Britney Spears than we do about our Attorney General. We spend more time shopping for shoes then reading.
SICKNESSES: Sicknesses like the pestilences of old are prevalent, I challenge you to find a family that has not been touched by its deadly hand. This plague is everywhere: we see it evidenced by AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases, and addictions to alcoholism and drugs.
DISINTEGRATION OF THE FAMILY: From Ann Coulter’s Book, Guilty, we learned that:
Of all single mothers in America, only 6.5 percent of them are widows, 37.8 percent are divorced, and 41.3 percent gave birth out of wedlock…Controlling for
socio-economic status, race, and place of residence, the strongest predictor of whether
a person will end up in prison is that he was raised by a single parent.”
So on this day when blood was shed to atone for our sins, let us pray together:
Father forgive us for our sins of commission and omission. We have perpetuated many of the plagues upon our country, or stood silently by as others committed them. Forgive us and wash us in your covering blood. Amen
America’s golden idols, just like Egypt’s golden idols have no power to protect us from the ten plagues besieging America. Think of the billions spent on protecting us from the violence. Think of the billions spent on healthcare from the diseases that could be prevented.
One day Egypt was the wealthiest nation on earth. The next day, she watched hopelessly as her riches were carted away. Egypt’s pathway led to death and destruction of a once powerful society. God will not bless a nation in a perpetual state of sin. We need to repent- turn away- and turn towards God who provides a culture of life not a culture of death.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Cherish America
I felt compelled to begin a blog today, as I cannot stand to see the America I love cease to be a free, independent nation and merge into the multinational abyss of politically correct expediency. I am watching my country go from being strong and free, to weak and defeated -although she has lost no wars. She is losing the war of words. And our very sovereignty is at stake.
The changes seem to come in tiny myopic bits. But like snowflakes that comprise a blizzard, they are not dangerous by themselves. It is when they bind together that they become a dangerous storm.
This week, I saw our President Barack Obama "bow" to the Islamic world. It seems like a minor gesture. But in the Muslim culture it is not. Obama bent before the King of Saudi Arabia, a sign of submission. In fairness, President Bush kissed the the Saudi King.But I hold that this type of deference is not befitting a President of our United States.
In Ankara, Obama apologized to the Muslims in Turkey saying "despite its flaws and past mistakes, the United States is poised for a fresh start with Muslims and the rest of the world." What past mistakes I wonder? The Iraq War? It can’t be a mistake because we won. We removed Saddam Hussein, who used weapons of mass destruction on the Kurds in Iraq and Turkey.
The audience he was addressing certainly remembers this. There are 20 million Kurds residing in Turkey. That Saddam killed 5,000 of their relatives at one time with mustard gas- a weapon of mass destruction- was surely an unforgettable, reprehensible act. So the Turkish people were ready to thank him for delivering them from Saddam. Instead, Obama apologizes for “our past mistakes”. I wonder if the families of the two million Kurds, Shia, and Iranians are scratching their heads over this one.
There was another equally disturbng apology in Turkey as well. He said as Americans, "we do not consider ourselves a Christian nation or a Jewish nation or a Muslim nation. We consider ourselves a nation of citizens who are bound by ideals and a set of values." This echoes his statement in 1997 when he said "we are no longer a Christian nation." I guess Obama believes that our Judeo-Christian heritage is not politically expedient. Thus he denies the faith of eight-five percent of his electorate. And makes those of us who are Christians or Jews feel like we are dust to be swept under the rug before company comes.
The new plolitical rhetoric continued at the G-20. Obama said it was "very important for us to be able to forge partnerships as opposed to dictating solutions." Like his wife Michelle, he seems to find it hard to be proud of America. Perhaps he feels America should no longer lead but follow in the war on terror. Nor perhaps should she lead the world in her commercial enterprises, but “forge partnerships” instead.
I was shocked this week when I read the article by Dick Morris named "The Declaration of Independence Has Been Repealed." I learned Obama supported the formation of an international body called "the Financial Stability Board" at the G-20) The board's duty, as part of the IMF would be to regulate firms that are "deemed too big to fail". This board would be given the power to set the compensation of executives of all "at-risk" firms. Hence, it gives the G-20 sovereignty over businesses located within America and throughout the world.
Finally, adding another snowflake to the blizzard, Obama stopped off in Iraq to thank our troops. But who did he thank at the beginning of his speech? our American soldiers? ...Guess again. Let’s listen to his words:
"Thank you. Thank you, guys. Let me say Multinational Force Iraq, Multinational Corps Iraq, Multinational Security Transition Command Iraq First Corps, America's Corp Band: Thanks to all of you. Listen, I am so honored."
I see a storm a coming. And it is a white out blizzard I am forecasting.
America I cherish you. I am grateful to you first and foremost. I am thankful for the blood, sweat and tears of our American troops that has been shed to defeat radical Islamic terroists. I am thankful for our forefathers who died to make us free. My prayer for you America, is that you remain a sovereign nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all. We must not submit to the pressures of foreign inclusionists who are pulling us in a multinational direction. I don’t like this New World Order stuff, the America of old suits me just fine. As for me, I'm still cling to my guns and my religion, and my paycheck too. I may not have them for long.
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