I felt compelled to begin a blog today, as I cannot stand to see the America I love cease to be a free, independent nation and merge into the multinational abyss of politically correct expediency. I am watching my country go from being strong and free, to weak and defeated -although she has lost no wars. She is losing the war of words. And our very sovereignty is at stake.
The changes seem to come in tiny myopic bits. But like snowflakes that comprise a blizzard, they are not dangerous by themselves. It is when they bind together that they become a dangerous storm.

This week, I saw our President Barack Obama "bow" to the Islamic world. It seems like a minor gesture. But in the Muslim culture it is not. Obama bent before the King of Saudi Arabia, a sign of submission. In fairness, President Bush kissed the the Saudi King.But I hold that this type of deference is not befitting a President of our United States.
Thank you, Julie, for your courage and way with words. There are some things here I didn't know. I had a revelation as I was reading that Obama bowed to the Muslim world because he is a Muslim. It's in his blood. He is not an American at heart or he never would have done that.
ReplyDeleteHe has denied he is a Muslim. He says he is a Christian. His stance on failing to protect the unborn, to allowing the embryonic stem cell research confuses me. I don't know. It is between him and God. What I really believe is that he has created God in his own image and made a God of "tolerance" his God. It is this new age embrace of "there are many pathways to God". "Wide is the road but narrow is the path" that leads to salvation. I ray for his radical transformation so his policy will line up with the faith he professes, not the faith he bows to.
ReplyDeleteNice new blog Julie! I look forward to reading more.
ReplyDelete~ Andrew