Monday, April 5, 2010

What if My Worst Fear Is Coming True?

Before the election, I worried about Obama's ties to radicals like Bill Ayers. I worried about where the money came to take trips to Pakistan and Afghanistan in his twenties, with no apparent income source. I worried about his father and step-father being Muslim. I worried that he received significant money from prominent Palestians. I worried when he could not produce an original birth certificate.

A decade ago, I read a book called "Radical Islam Can America Survive? It discusses several ways radical Islamics are planning to destroy and conquer North America. It was written by an Israeli intelligence officer. He pointed out that one way to destroy the United States or Canada is to collapse the economy. I am really worried that America is well on her way to financial collapse. Another way is for radicalized Islamic people to infiltrate themselves into positions of power and importance. Now if one were to become President, we'd be done for. This was my greatest fear. What if America were under nuclear attack, and Obama refused to retaliate?

Obama's propensity towards favoring Islam is becoming crystal clear. Last week, Obama insulted the Prime Minister of Israel, telling him "if you change your mind over the settlements in Jerusalem, get in touch with my people." This statement favors the radical Palestinian solution for peace, by ceding part of Jerusalem. We see Obama's favor towards Islam in his spineless reactions to Iran's nuclear prolification. In addition, he could of helped usher in a coup d'etat when the country was in a state of civil unrest, but chose to do nothing. In Afghansistan, it took Obama months to commit to a surge (he was originally against the surge in Iraq as well) When he relented and increased the troops numbers, he sent almost all of the troops General McCrystal requested to Afghanistan.

This week Obama (whether he knew it or not) chose to elevate the "brotherhood of man" on the Christian religion's holiest day- Easter. The Christian religion teaches there is only one way to heaven- belief in the the Lord Jesus Christ. Obama chose Easter Sunday to say "we also remember the shared spirit of humanity that inhabits us all -- Jews and Christians, Muslims and Hindus, believers and nonbelievers alike." I do not see the "shared spirit of humanity" among radicalized Muslims. He is the only President I can ever remember that refused to participate in the National Day of Prayer.

Maybe you can see now when the shivers went up my spine when I heard today's news. According to the New York Times, "for the first time, the United States is explicitly committing not to use nuclear weapons against nonnuclear states that are in compliance with the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, even if they attacked the United States with biological or chemical weapons or launched a crippling cyberattack."

This statement, almost says to our enemies "Come and get us, we won't retaliate." Either Obama is very naive or he has stupidly taken away one of our greatest deterrents. He has in essense, kissed a rattlesnake.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Big Government, Scribes and Pharisees-Now and Then

Things weren't so different in Jesus's day. When Jesus rode into Jerusalem on the foal of a donkey in fulfillment of the messianic prophecies, it was "game on" for the opposition.

The politicians of the day were the Romans. Their "king" was Caesar who ruled with an iron hand, not a hand of love. Rome's government was threatened when the people of Judea declared their allegiance to Jesus- waving him into Jerusalem with palm fronds. The only one to be hailed in that manner was Caesar. Jesus was a therefore a direct threat to the power of Rome. Resisters to Rome were whipped into obedience, or crucified for their opposition. As an empire, Rome was so corrupt that only Caesar and his minions enjoyed the free, good life.

The money-changers in the time of Jesus were not unlike the scam/spam artists of today. They took money that was supposed to go to pay for the temple and kept it for themselves. Jesus told them "you have turned my Father's house into a den of thieves." He overturned their tables in the marketplace, and caused a mini-riot for taking on these greedy, souless profiteers. Leaders of charities or churches that pocket the money for themselves are modern-day money-changers. Once Jesus publically shamed them, you can bet these money-changers joined the group that wanted to see Jesus dead.

When Jesus was arrested in Gethsemanie, he could of called on ten thousand angels and destroyed all of Rome. Instead he was led as "a lamb before the slaughter."
He looked straight into the eyes of the Pharisees who accused him of heresy. The Pharisees are like today's minister's who change the Bible to suit their purpose. In this realm, abortion and gay marriage are sanctioned.

As for the scribes who were present at his trial, these are like the lawyers of today. The lawyers back then created their own truth, so they could obtain their evil ends. They advocated for Jesus's death, though he committed no crime. Today, our President and Congress tell us the health care bill will be "revenue neutral" or that we need "cap and trade" to protect us against a mythical global warming crisis create their own truth as well. These deceivers are shredding the Constitution today, just as they shredded the law of the land back in Jesus's day.

On Good Friday, when Jesus was crucified as an innocent man, Satan and his minions thought they had won. The money-changers, the Pharisees, and the Scribes were dancing with delight over his spilled blood. Yet their laughter surely stopped suddenly when the tomb was discovered empty. Jesus did the unexpected on Easter Sunday, and turned the world on its ear. He conquered Death, Hell, and the Grave that day.

So here's your warning you scam/spam artists, corrupt lawyers, ministers, politicians or anyone who defies the law of the land-it is not over until it is over. The people of America are well aware of your sins. And take warning. If our Lord can conquer Death, Hell, and the Grave, his followers can sure defeat your evil plans for this country. We are now determined to see our Republic restored with God as our King again. Christian soldiers outnumber you by the millions. And our leader, King Jesus, is way more powerful than a President or a Speaker of the House or Senate.

One day I know (because the Bible tells me so) that every knee will down before him when Jesus reigns again on this earth. I'll have the biggest grin on my face when I see Obama, Pelosi, and Reid kissing the ground before him!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Warning to those who would divide up Israel's land

In Joel 3:2, we are warned that God will "enter into judgment against them
concerning my inheritance, my people Israel,
for they scattered my people among the nations
and divided up my land."
God has a covenant with the nation Israel, and promised the land to them forever. Establishing a Palestinian State will essentially cut Israel in two. The Obama administration warned the country of Israel that they should not build any more settlements in the West Bank. Secretary of State Clinton called Netanyahu and said "this sends a deeply negative signal about Israel’s relationship with the U.S."
Read more:

This is so audacious! How would we feel if Prime Minister Netanyahu told us we shouldn't allow people to build homes near the Atlantic or Pacific coastline, or near the Mexican or Candian border? We'd tell him to butt out of our sovereign decisions and that is just what Israel should tell our administration.

But there is a greater danger lying beneath. In the past, when American Presidents have interfered with Israel's decisions with regard to her land, calamity has hit our country. If you check out this article In Truth or Fiction, found to be "True," (, you will see a correlation between the U.S. actions and natural disasters:

(Relating to Israel’s Covenant Land) 1. October 30,
1991: The Perfect Storm—As President George H. W. Bush
is opening the Madrid (Spain) Conference to consider
“land for peace” in Israel’s Middle East role, the
“perfect storm” develops in the North Atlantic,
creating the largest waves ever recorded in that
region. The storm travels 1000 miles from “east to
west” instead of the normal “west to east” pattern and
crashes into the New England Coast. Thirty-five foot
waves crash into the Kennebunkport home of President

2. August 23, 1992: Hurricane Andrew—When the Madrid
Conference moves to Washington DC and the peace talks
resume, Hurricane Andrew, the worst natural disaster
ever to hit America, comes ashore and produces an
estimated $30 billion in damage and leaving 180,000
homeless in Florida.

3. January 16, 1994: Northridge Earthquake—President
Bill Clinton meets with Syria's President Hafez
el-Assad in Geneva. They talk about a peace agreement
with Israel that includes giving up the Golan Heights.
Within 24 hours, a powerful 6.9 earthquake rocks
Southern California, This quake, centered in
Northridge, becomes the second most destructive
natural disaster to hit the United States, behind
Hurricane Andrew,

4. January 21, 1998: Lewinsky Scandal—Israeli Prime
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu meets with President
Clinton at the White House and is coldly received.
Clinton and Secretary of State Madeleine Albright
refuse to have lunch with him. Shortly afterwards on
that day, the Monica Lewinsky scandal breaks into the
mass media and begins to occupy a major portion of
Clinton's time.

5. September 28, 1998: Hurricane George—As Secretary
of State Albright works on the final details of an
agreement in which Israel would give up 13 percent of
Yesha (Judah and Samaria), Hurricane George slams into
the United States Gulf Coast with 110 mph winds and
gusts up to 175 mph. The hurricane hits the coast and
stalled. On September 28, Clinton meets with Yasser
Arafat and Netanyahu at the White House to finalize
this land deal. Later, Arafat addresses the United
Nations about declaring an independent Palestinian
state by May 1999, as Hurricane George pounds the Gulf
Coast, causing $1 billion in damage. At the exact time
that Arafat departs the country, the storm begins to

6. October 15-22, 1998: Texas Flooded—On October 15,
1998, Arafat and Netanyahu meet at the Wye River
Plantation in Maryland. The talks are scheduled to
last five days with the focus on Israel giving up 13
percent of Yesha. The talks are extended and conclude
on October 23. On October 17, awesome rains and
tornadoes hit southern Texas. The San Antonio area is
deluged with rain. The rain and flooding in Texas
continue until October 22 and then subside. The floods
ravage 25 percent of Texas and leave over one billion
dollars in damage. On October 21, Clinton declares
this section of Texas a major disaster area.

7. November 30, 1998: Market Capitalization
Evaporates—Arafat comes to Washington again to meet
with President Clinton to raise money for a
Palestinian state with Jerusalem as the capital. A
total of 42 other nations were represented in
Washington. All the nations agreed to give Arafat $3
billion in aid. Clinton promised $400 million, and the
European nations $1.7 billion. On the same day, the
Dow Jones average drops 216 points, and on December 1,
the European Market had its third worst day in
history. Hundreds of billions of market capitalization
were wiped out in the U.S. and Europe.

8. December 12, 1998: Clinton is Impeached—As Clinton
lands in the Palestinian-controlled section of Israel
to discuss the “land for peace” process, the House of
Representatives votes four articles of impeachment
against him.

9. May 3, 1999: The Powerful Super Tornado—On the day
that Yasser Arafat is scheduled to declare a
Palestinian state with Jerusalem as the capital, the
most powerful tornado storm system ever to hit the
United States sweeps across Oklahoma and Kansas. The
winds are clocked at 316 mph the fastest wind speed
ever recorded. The declaration is postponed to
December 1999 at the request of President Clinton,
whose letter to Arafat encourages him in his
"aspirations for his own land." He also writes that
the Palestinians have a right to "determine their own
future on their own land" and that they deserve to
"live free, today, tomorrow and forever."

10. Week of October 11: Hurricane, Earthquake and Dow
Collapse—As Jewish settlers in 15 West Bank (Israel)
settlements are evicted from the covenant land in
Israel, the Dow-Jones financial averages lose 5.7
percent in the worst week since October 1989. On
October 15 the Dow lost 266 points, and a hurricane
slams into North Carolina. On the next morning,
October 16, a magnitude 7.1 earthquake rocks the
southwest in the fifth most powerful earthquake in
20th Century. The earthquake was centered in the
California desert and did little damage but was felt
in three states.

As I stated in my previos blog, the catasphrophes continued and include Katrina:
One of the websites I frequent is written by a Messianic Jewish missionary, Jerry Golden. He has consistently revealed "the plans" our Government has for Israel. Back in 2005, he lambasted the Bush administration for pushing for the resettlement of 8,000 Jews from Gaza and the West Bank in early August. Jerry stated that God had promised this land to his people. As it says in Joel 3:2 “I will enter into judgment with them [all the nations who]…have divided up My Land.”

Eretz Yisrael (the Land of Israel) is His Land, promised to the Jewish people. On Friday, the 8th of August 2005, the G8 met and promised three billion dollars a year for three years to Israel if it relocated the 8,000 residents in the West bank and Gaza. See the Washington post article at:
The evacuations were to begin on August 17,2005.

One week later, this country experienced a horrific storm on our Gulf coast which "relocated" 800,000 Americans. Was it a coincidence or a true "ten-fold" judgement of God? At the moment America decided the Jews should move out, the storm formed in the Gulf of Mexico.

About a year later, Sexcretary of State Condoleeza Rice boarded a plane to Israel to talk about establishing a new Palestinian State within Israel. That is when the forest fires started in California started causing one billion dollars worth of damage.

To me, it is like touching a hot stove. We should of learned not to interfere in Israel's sovereign decisions.

Friday, March 12, 2010

No Socialist-leaning Governor For Michigan

The last thing we need in Michigan is for the government to takeover private industry by creating a State-owned bank. In a word, I find government intrusion into free enterprise "nauseating".

I could only imagine the problems that would come from this socialist-leaning plan. If the State of Michigan owns the bank, will it make loans based on political leanings? Will it award loans after financial campaign contributions? Will the bank demand the employees of companies seeking a loan belong to a union? I can see an house of corruption we do not need to build.

See the March 10,2010 article below:

Candidate for governor Virg Bernero proposes state-owned bank to ease credit crunch
By Chris Knape | The Grand Rapids Press
March 10, 2010, 6:47AM

Bernero saying Michigan's businesses are being left behind by big banks, Democrat gubernatorial candidate and Lansing Mayor Virg Bernero announced a plan Tuesday to create a state-owned bank to serve as a lending "backstop" and help ease a credit crunch.

The plan would mimic the state-owned Bank of North Dakota, which works with banks in that state to help finance business growth efforts, provide student loans and offer other banking services. Rather than being backed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. -- and subject to its regulations -- the bank is backed by the state.

"We can't wait on Wall Street and Washington for our recovery," Bernero said. "The big banks have been saved, meanwhile small business in Michigan is being snuffed out."

Bernero's proposal calls for the bank to be capitalized with the assets of the state and a bond sale.

Whether the proposal gets legs, helps Bernero get his name out to voters who have never heard of him, or gets him labeled a socialist remains to be seen.

Lansing Mayor Virg Bernero, Democrat candidate for governor, proposed establishing a state-owned bank to help ease credit markets and encourage business growth. Here's a look at the Bank of North Dakota, which he wants to model the Michigan bank after:
Founded: 1919

Total assets (2009): $3.9 billion

Net income: $58 million

Insured by: State of North Dakota (not FDIC)

Governed by: State Industrial Commission, consisting of the governor, attorney general and North Dakota commissioner of agriculture; a seven-member advisory board appointed by governor

Don Mann, regulatory liaison for the Michigan Association of Community Bankers, said he has "grave concerns" about the government getting into the banking business, but the idea deserves more study and his group has not taken a position on the idea.

"We shouldn't shoot and say, 'That's not going to work,'" Mann said. "We have to have more dialogue from both sides. But the government being in the banking business to me is a scary prospect, especially after taking over auto companies and big banks."

Art Johnson, chief executive officer of United Bank in Grand Rapids and chairman of the American Bankers Association, said he's skeptical that Michigan could quickly and successfully clone North Dakota's success.

Since its state bank has been around since 1919, North Dakota has had plenty of time to ramp up and develop a track record, he said.

"It has the benefit of getting itself capitalized over a great deal of time, having a long learning experience, not having to go out and staff the thing overnight and get started in a tough economy," Johnson said.

He also said he was concerned the bank could be used for political purposes by whatever party is in control of state government.

The state-owned bank has been a boon to North Dakota but might be tough for others to replicate. Rick Clayburgh, president of the North Dakota Bankers Association, said residents organized the bank (and a state-owned grain elevator and mill) in defiance of big out-of-state banks and mill operators that were hindering its farmers early in the 20th century.

"Over the years, it has developed into a very good tool for the state as well as for the industry," he said. "The bank does not necessarily compete directly but works with banks and credit unions."

As an example, he said, the state bank might help finance a project too large for smaller banks to pull off or it might, at the Legislature's behest, provide more loans to programs like those to encourage new farmers. The bank also is profitable, contributing about $60 million to the state's general fund every two years.

Clayburgh said his biggest reservation about bringing the concept to a state like Michigan would be starting during a downturn.

"If a state were going to go down this path, it really needs to be done in good times to ensure it becomes well capitalized and gets off to good start," he said.

Unlike Michigan, North Dakota is slated to run an almost $1 billion budget surplus this year, he said. As a major farming and energy-producing state with a very small population, North Dakota has eluded many of the recessionary problems hampering other states, he said.

E-mail Chris Knape:

Sunday, February 21, 2010

God Will Not Be Mocked

Sunday, February 21, 2010
God will not be mocked
Praise God for the preachers who are not unafraid to oppose this radical change to the America we love! While listening to Coral Ridge Ministries this morning, I learned that Saul Alinsky's book, Rules for Radicals, is dedicated to Satan:

"From all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins – or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom – Lucifer."

It is chilling to think that our President taught this book at the Saul Alinsky Institute. Or to realize that Hillary Rodman Clinton's honors thesis was about Saul Alinsky, who believed in instituting fundamental change. This marriage of Marxism and black supremist theology is what Obama learned at Trinity Church at the feet of Reverend Jeremiah Wright.

How can our leaders believe it is okay to celebrate the establishment of the kingdom of Satan? Can it be that they wish to change America into a humanistic disbelieving society where Christianity and Judaic beliefs are suppressed and mocked?

I quivered before the election when Obama mocked the Bible. On June 26, 2008 Senator Obama asked "Which passages of scripture should guide our public policy?
Should we go with Leviticus which suggests slavery is okay? Or we could go with Deuteronomy which suggests stoning your child if he strays from the faith? Or we could go just stick with the Sermon on the Mount, a passage which is so radical it is doubtful our own defense department could survive its application. Folks haven't been reading their Bible.

The video is on you tube at

Let us pray for our leaders- that the scales may drop from their eyes before it is too late. Let us pray for the citizens of America that we "stand as a watchtower" against the evil plans which arise while half of the electorate is sound asleep.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Is Your Child's Safety More Important than Teacher's Union Pay?

School Cutbacks or Endanger Your Child? Save R.O. School Buses
The Royal Oak School District decided to eliminate buses for children, beginning in September of this year. I wonder...Did the board or the superintendent consider the inconvenience for parents who may have to quit their jobs in order to transport their children to school? Did they think about how hard it is to get a job these days. How hard it is to arrange a new schedule with an employer. More importantly, did they think about how unsafe it is for children to walk unescorted these days?

I venture to guess they did not consider that a child from my house would have to cross Woodward Avenue, a six lane Michigan....during winter. I guess they did not consider that cars may slide off slippery roads and a child could become seriously injured. (Just ask the residents of Hilliard, Ohio as two teens were seriously injured this year) I guess they never considered that child predators would love the opportunity to snatch one of these darlings.

It seems it is more important to keep the six figure salary of Dr. Tom Moline and to keep intact the pensions and salaries of the teachers, than to protect Royal Oak's children. The superintendent and the school board chose to maintain the status quo of the teacher's union, over the general welfare of the students.

Though I no longer have a child at home, I remember a very serious situation when my daughter was in grade school. Despite writing a note in my daughter's personal file in the principal's office asking that my daughter not be dismissed from school without my knowledge, she was sent home anyway, across six lanes of traffic. There was no crossing guard at Woodward. Six inches of new snow had just fallen. I was at work and knew nothing of the school dismissal. Without the keen eye of a neighbor who spotted her freezing outside, my child might of died.

I formed a new Facebook group today: Save Our School Bus. Please join this on line group and join me in person at 6 p.m. March 11th to protest this decision at the next school board meeting. The very safety of your children is at stake.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

On the Hunt for True Conservatives, Part 2

We don't have a choice anymore. The progressive policies of Jennifer Granholm and Kwame Kilpatrick have taxed business and their employees right out of Michigan. It is nigh on impossible to travel south on I-75 and not see a u-haul. Homes in my modest neighborhood have now lost 75 percent of their value. My only option if I want to move, is to rent now and hope to sell later. Homes are not selling unless you are willing to lose all of your investment just to get away.

I'm fortunate that I live in the suburbs of Detroit. Many parts of the inner city look like a third world country. If you were blindfolded and saw the houses you might mistake Detroit for Bagdad or another war-torn city.

So how did it happen? This video with Steve Chowder, released by PJ TV explains how it happened:

This mini-documentary traces the history of progressive policies in Detroit. Once the progressive politicians have emptied everyone's pocketbook, they leave the state and move to their multi-million dollar mansions in some southern resort area. They played for your money, and like a con artist the skip town after robbing you blind.

So what do we do with those who are left in office? How do we determine those candidates who want to serve us (the taxpayers) or in politics to profit themselves? Let's begin by looking at incumbents.

The Repork Card, produced by the Club for Growth gives us a listing of which representatives voted for pork and which didn't:*

U.S. Rep. Pete Hoekstra, R-Holland 97 percent
U.S. Rep. Thad McCotter, R-Livonia 85 percent
U.S. Rep. Vern Ehlers, R-Grand Rapids 78 percent
Median score for Republicans nationwide 69 percent
U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Brighton 66 percent
U.S. Rep. Fred Upton, R-St. Joseph 53 percent
U.S. Rep. Mark Schauer, D-Battle Creek 43 percent
U.S. Rep. Candice Miller, R-Harrison Twp 31 percent
U.S. Rep. Dave Camp, R-Midland 24 percent
U.S. Rep. Gary Peters, D-Bloomfield Twp 1 percent
Median score for Democrats nationwide 0 percent
U.S. Rep. John Conyers, D-Detroit 0 percent
U.S. Rep. John Dingell, D-Dearborn 0 percent
U.S. Rep. Dale Kildee, D-Flint 0 percent
U.S. Rep. Carolyn Cheeks-Kilpatrick, D-Detroit 0 percent
U.S. Rep. Sander Levin, D-Southfield 0 percent
U.S. Rep. Bart Stupak, D-Menominee 0 percent

Anyone scoring 1 percent or lower is a pork-barrel spender. These politicians are very dangerous to our nation's survival. This is a harsh conclusion for me to come to. But look at Detroit.....

Then I ask you for one more favor. Help me find candidates who are sincere about cutting the budget. Find people who will not vote for a bill that contains special privileges for some states and not for others. If you find a candidate committed to living a pork-free life in Congress- let me know. I'll post their names here.

* credit to Kevin Braun for posting the repork card:

Friday, January 29, 2010

Jay Riemersma on Super Bowl Sunday Ad

Jay Riemersma, is off and running on a new field this time- and is standing strong in the 2nd Congressional District Race. It could be this field- politics- is dirtier and muddier than any he has traversed before in his football career. He was recently endorsed by AFP, and has served as the regional director of the Family Research council. Listen in his own words as he proudly takes a pro-life stance and stands with his "team-mate in Christ" Tim Tebow's Superbowl Ad by Focus on the Family:

Thursday, January 28, 2010

State of the Union

Barack Hussein Obama pointed a lot of fingers last night. But as my mother taught me... if a man points a finger at you, look at the three fingers pointing back at himself.

Our president pointed out the lack of bi-partisanship. How about all those close-door meetings crafting the failed health care plan? Republicans were not even let in the door. He pointed at the lobbyists. Yet the pharma lobbyists were present during every health care meeting.

He pointed at earmarks, yet the bailouts and stimulus funds were nothing more than one giant fat pudgy finger full.

He pointed at the out of control spending during the Bush administration. Yet under his watch the national debt is on course to double in five years and triple in ten.

Our president pointed at the Supreme Court justices, saying their recent decision will allow foreign monies to influence elections. Yet the foreign investment laws were left in tact. It was an unfactual point, not befitting the office of the Presidency.

He pointed at the banks and said we will tax those big bonusses. Any employer knows that taxing business means business just passes the tax on to the consumer. Do we really need higher interest rates and fees?

He pointed to the need for "cap and trade" -albeit surreptitiously hiding it behind the need to protect our planet. I don't know anyone who thinks we can sustain a triple increase in our energy bills.

I liked the part about exploring clean coal technologies, nuclear plants, and drilling off-shore. It was a way to point us out of this mess. We need a lot more of this type of pointing, and less of the other.

One reason why I like Governor Mike Huckabee so much is that he has ideas which could guide us out of this economic moross. "Balance, Cut, and Save." "Enact the fair tax". Taking this direction could bring in 15 trillion dollars of off-shore business. Our country needs business as business creates jobs.

The Governor also speaks to protecting life and securing the rights of the unborn. He speaks to protecting our second amendment. He is for a strong national defense and not treating terrorists as citizens with rights. Thats what we need in a leader. We don't need a leader who points fingers, but a man who can see a prosperous, safe America and lead us there.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

The failed policies of Barack Obama

If Huckabee were to run against Obama today, he might very well win as he beat Obama in a Presidential popularity poll. Obama has given Huck a plethora of material. I can almost hear Huck beginning his campaign with these words: "The failed policies of Barack Hussein Obama over the last four years have produced skyrocketing unemployment. The failed policies of Barack Hussein Obama over the last four years have grown the federal government to a monstrous level. The failed policies of Barack Hussein Obama have made the womb the most dangerous place for a baby to live."

Feel free to add more failed policies to this list.

Protect Life

This will take a moment of your time. It sends a letter to your Senators and Representatives, encouraging them to vote pro-life. Since my representatives are not listening, I'll spend a moment and write to them.

Gary Peters had the audacity to ask the police to cordon off his office. Read what the chair of the MIGOP District 9 said:


TROY, MICHIGAN --- Yesterday, January 19, 2010, the staff of U.S. Congressman Gary Peters (D-MI09) were complacent with building management at Peters’ congressional district office in Troy, Michigan, by standing by after signs were posted at the property entrance which stated “parking for tenants only”. This happened after a local, homegrown tea party was organized to show up at Peters’ office to tell his staff that they are urging Peters to vote no on the Obama-Pelosi-Reid effort to takeover 1/6 of the U.S. economy by nationalizing our healthcare system. Peters’ staff stood in close proximity to the signs which effectively shuts citizens off from his office which is a taxpayer-funded pubic entity. If the public parking lot of his office is for “tenants only” and no parking is permitted on the street outside the building via Troy traffic ordinance, then Peters’ and his staff are in clear violation of congressional mandates on open access for the public to their Representative’s office.

In response to the news of said violation, Chairman Glenn Clark of the 9th Congressional District Republicans stated, “Clearly Congressman Gary Peters and his liberal staff are trying to close themselves off from the working families of Oakland County. They were complacent in having handwritten, temporary signs erected and placed basically telling citizens and voters to stay the heck out of his office because they knew tea party movement activists where coming to visit. Yellow police tape was lining the property boundaries and a police squad car and officer were present as well. We simply urged citizens to petition Peters on their thoughts on the Obama-Pelosi-Reid-Peters healthcare takeover scheme. Peters and his staff must be held accountable for this infraction of congressional guidelines, rules and policies. This creates a dangerous precedent for future efforts of citizens trying to make their voice heard within the halls of Congress.”

Clark went further by saying, “I saw the signs posted telling people that unless they have office space in the building, they could not park or enter. Peters’ had numerous staff members standing there in silent support of shutting out the public --- the actual voters of his district. I understand that Congressman Gary Peters is afraid of the tea party movement that stands against his big government voting record and his support of the ultra-leftwing Obama-Pelosi agenda, but the good people who came to his office yesterday were peaceful citizens of our district and our state. Shame on Peters for erecting “Fortress Peters” right here in Troy, built and paid for by our very own tax dollars. We demand an apology and an investigation by the Government Accounting Office (GAO) of this violation immediately.

Paid for by: 9th District Republican Administrative Account, P.O. box 4553, Troy, MI 48099

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I have a dream too

I Have a Dream Too
Written on 1/19/10
By Julie Foster

In the words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., with deep admiration:

I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation. MLK, Jr 8/28/63

My dream is that America will, in Dr King's words: “vote not on the color of their skin, but the content of their character”. Please hear his words with color blind eyes:

Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand today, signed the Emancipation Proclamation. This momentous decree came as a great beacon light of hope to millions of Negro slaves who had been seared in the flames of withering injustice. It came as a joyous daybreak to end the long night of their captivity. MLK 8/28/63

A little over ten scores later, we now stand in the shadows of Dr. Martin Luther King and Abraham Lincoln, facing a great injustice imposed upon our country. Christians, in the land that these great patriots loved and died for, are now held captive by those who wish to transform the America that these two patriots loved. JGF 1/19/10

But one hundred years later, the Negro still is not free. One hundred years later, the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination. One hundred years later, the Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity. One hundred years later, the Negro is still languishing in the corners of American society and finds himself an exile in his own land. So we have come here today to dramatize a shameful condition. MLK Jr. 8/28/63

One hundred and fifty years later, the “Negro” is free. Barack Hussein Obama has risen to the highest office of the land. He no longer "lives in an island of poverty", nor is he "exiled". But he is still imprisoned by the mindset of a “beaten mentality”. JGF 1/19/10

In a sense we have come to our nation's capital to cash a check. When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir. This note was a promise that all men, yes, black men as well as white men, would be guaranteed the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
MLK Jr. 8/28/63

We rejoice that the check has been cashed. All black men, as well as white men are guaranteed the “unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” as specified in our Constitution. All black women and women of any race are guaranteed that right as well! JGF 1/19/10

It is obvious today that America has defaulted on this promissory note insofar as her citizens of color are concerned. Instead of honoring this sacred obligation, America has given the Negro people a bad check, a check which has come back marked "insufficient funds." But we refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt. We refuse to believe that there are insufficient funds in the great vaults of opportunity of this nation. So we have come to cash this check — a check that will give us upon demand the riches of freedom and the security of justice. We have also come to this hallowed spot to remind America of the fierce urgency of now. This is no time to engage in the luxury of cooling off or to take the tranquilizing drug of gradualism. Now is the time to make real the promises of democracy. Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice. Now is the time to lift our nation from the quick sands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood. Now is the time to make justice a reality for all of God's children. MLK Jr. 8/28/63

It is obvious today that the promissary note has been redeemed-as Barack Obama has assumed the power of the Presidency. The black race has the riches of freedom, the security of justice. But what happened to rising above the “quick sands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood?” Now is “the time to make justice a reality for all God’s children?”

Herein lies the ironic rub. A child in the womb has no protection when the government of our great country forces its people to share in the responsibility of its death. Taxpayer-funded abortion goes against all that Martin Luther King Jr held dear. He laid down his life proclaiming the sanctity of life as did his predecessor Martin Luther King Jr. Life is precious “whether it is black or yellow, red or white, they are precious in His sight, Jesus loves the little children of the world.” JGF 1/19/10.

It would be fatal for the nation to overlook the urgency of the moment. MLK Jr. 8/28/1963 MLK Jr

Killing an unborn child, especially a black child, flies in the face of equality. We must stop any health care bill that pays to eradicate by more than 7-1, the black child in the womb via tax-payer-funded abortion. The womb is far more dangerous than the streets that Martin Luther King Jr. ever trod. “I have a dream” too, that the unborn have a chance to live, for in it's fetal state,is the beginning of all all rights ascribed to man.

I started writing this at 12:33 on the morning of the Massachusetts Senatorial vote on 1/19/10. My thoughts just flowed. I finish editing this draft at :1:40 am because of my Lord. He knew Abraham and Martin, and he knows me by name.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

3 Days, 3 Events..On the Hunt for True Conservatives

For the past few days, I've been visiting various grassroots events to encourage them to join Team Huck Michigan. I began by going to the Coffee Beanery in Berkley. I heard an amazing presentation by an environmental engineer with over 30 years of experience. He explained the myth behind global warming, and advised us to "follow the money." The pot at the end of that rainbow is surrounded by global alarmist leprauchauns. These green little devils will dance around the facts, and be glad to steal the gold out of your pockets. The meeting concluded with the speaker making a sobering statement. "I used to deny the truth, thinking I was paranoid, but now I believe this administration is intentionally collapsing the economy of the United States of America. If cap and trade passes, it may be the end of America as we know it." Sadly. all of us had come to the same conclusion (We can't all be conspiracy theorists can we?") The meeting concluded with applications for precinct delegates filled out and a notary republic standing by. Attention grassroots organizations- this is a great idea!

Last night, Tuesday, January 11, 2010, I drove to Plymouth to join for their event. Scott Hagerstrom, the Director of Americans for Prosperity in Michigan lectured on how to become an activist. Despite the mini-blizzard, a couple hundred people showed up to get tips on how to grow a grass roots organization. It was fantastic listening to Scott. He advised us to "pick one thing and beat it to death" By focusing on one issue, we can succeed in implementing the change we want. He encouraged us to sign his petition to Governor Granholm to renew her no more taxes pledge. You can sign it here:

I loved reconnecting with the patriots from Plymouth. I met many of them last spring when the Tea party Express rolled into town. Thousands stood in the rain that day. I wonder how big this crowds will get when the sun is shining? These serious reformers insist on returning to the Constitution and taking this country back. I decided to "rattle with them" and keep an eye for greedy legislators who are looking to tax the change out of my pockets. I joined their ning site- and several have joined ours:

Tonight (Wednesday) I travelled to Troy to meet with the tea party patriots there. About 100 people were there. Many Troy residents were missing- their city council was deciding on whether to hike property taxes by 30 percent. I am beginning to think deafness among legislators is contagious.

Wendy Day, Common Sense in Government moderated this amazing meeting. Each speaker took a few minutes to speak from their hearts about Michigan. Many like Wendy travelled for hours to share their insights. Former State Representative Rocky Raczkowski helped convinced his former colleagues to make the trek.

I wish I thought to take notes from the beginning. Instead I'll have to rely on my "sometimer's- befuddled mind," and post what I recall.

Wendy Day, tea party matriach of Michigan began the night by encouraging us to remember that "politicians are not the change, you are. By calling, e-mailing and showing up for protests, legislators will hear you. They are not as "deaf" as the politicians in Washington."

Attorney General Mike Cox (candidate for Governor 2010) spoke next. He floored me when he said he spoke with Harry Reid and told him "If you pass this constitutional abomination, we will sue you and we will win." This is no idle promise- fourteen other Attorney Generals have joined him in opposing this unconstitutional Health Care bill winding its way through Congress.

Kenneth Braun, spoke next. He is the Senior Political Editor of Michigan Capital Constitution, a publication by the Mackinaw Center. This publication informs the voters of the "votes and proposals of the Michigan Legislature". Another great resource is where you can see a "sampling of proposed state laws and read about them in the blogosphere. Some of these proposals are a way for Michigan to abstain from participating in the new National Health Care Plan.

The three state constitutional amendments being kicked around basically say "that it is your inalienable right to get the health care of your choice." In other words, government can't make you choose your doctor or health plan.

Senator Mike Bishop, Majority Leader, drove the debate forward. In order to override the federal health care plan a Michigan proposal needs a 2/3 majority vote in the Senate and the House. Approximately 22 State Legislators are on board with this idea. Four more Democrats are needed to assure this amendment to our State Constitution. He said we should call our representatives, especially if they are Democrats.

As for me, I'm calling State Representative Marie Donigan. The last time I tried to talk to her face-to-face, I didn't get two words out before she placed her hands over her ears and ran behind a partition. This was after I listened to her five minute rant on why we needed the first stimulus plan. She wouldn't let me continue after I began with "Marie I listened to you, how about listening to me? I expect that behavior from a child, not a legislator who is supposed to work for us!

Mike Bishop spoke of another method to make sure National Health Care doesn't bankrupt Michigan. That is for Michigan voters to gather 382,000 valid signatures by 7/5/2010. Is it impossible to gather 500,000 signatures (to be safe)? Right to Life did it. It can be done! (Better yet, you don't need a jackhammer to open your representative's ears! My comment-not his)

The evening concluded with the dynamic duo of State Representative Tom McMillan from Troy and Glen Clark, former director of the Christian Coalition of Michigan and Chair of the Republicans 9th District They encouraged us to make a stand, and assured us of our success. "You can take your rights back if you stand together."

Wendy Day concluded by saying "telephone calls to your representative are generally heeded in Lansing."

Well it is now after 1:00 am, and my "sometimers recall disease" is worsening. Join me on the hunt for true conservatives Thursday for Potluck and Politics at the Oakland County GOP Headquarters. All of the contenders for the 9th Distict will be there. The event is posted on

Jail Your Hubby or Wife

At what point will Americans wake up and say enough is enough? In this week's Rasmussen 's report, 32 percent of Americans would like to see verbal abuse by a spouse punishable by jail time. I wish I was kidding. The liberals won't stop until they invade every aspect of our lives. Imagine this scenario. A newlywed couple has their first fight. She tells him he's lazy. He says "you my dear, are going to jail, that's verbal abuse and it is against the law." Then he calls the police and she is carted off, while he goes back to his Lazy Boy recliner.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

The truth and Nothing But the Truth

This administration had better not touch my internet. The only way I learn of international news is by visiting websites outside of this country. The liberal media is asleep in Tiger Wood's bedroom.

One of the websites I frequent is written by a Messianic Jewish missionary, Jerry Golden. He has consistently revealed "the plans" our Government has for Israel. Back in 2005, he lambasted the Bush administration for pushing for the resettlement of 8,000 Jews from Gaza and the West Bank in early August. Jerry stated that God had promised this land to his people. As it says in Joel 3:2 “I will enter into judgment with them [all the nations who]…have divided up My Land.”

Eretz Yisrael (the Land of Israel) is His Land, promised to the Jewish people. On Friday, the 8th of August 2005, the G8 met and promised three billion dollars a year for three years to Israel if it relocated the 8,000 residents in the West bank and Gaza. See the Washington post article at:
The evacuations were to begin on August 17,2005.

One week later, this country experienced a horrific storm on our Gulf coast which "relocated" 800,000 Americans. Was it a coincidence or a true "ten-fold" judgement of God? At the moment America decided the Jews should move out, the storm formed in the Gulf of Mexico.

This is why I am so concerned about the new relocation plans this administration has for Jews living in Judea and Samaria (the West Bank). It calls for the resettlement of 300,000 residents. If a ten-fold judgment were to occur, that would mean the relocation of 3 million Americans.

If you think Katrina was just a coincidence, then don't be worried.


Saturday, January 2, 2010


I wish this was my idea. I wish this was an idea embraced by Congress. It was an idea expressed on Bulls and Bears on Fox by people who know how to manage money.

Why not take the 537 billion dollars of unspent money at and reallocate this money to hire air marshalls for every flight? The federal government should be in the business of protecting us. They need to stay out of the business of health care, building cars, and buying banks. Securing air marshalls is a much better idea than wasting money on cow flatulence and other porkulus expenditures. Don't you think?

To The Moon

As twenty-ten begins, it is time to dream big. Nasa has discovered a "hole" in the moon which might accommodate new residents.

I have a few suggestions for Nasa as to whom we might send to inhabitate it. How about sending a few notorious terrorists there? Just for good measure, we could include a few child molesters and mass murderers. Too tough you say?

It is time we get tough. Sending them to the moon would be fine by me.