Tuesday, January 12, 2010

3 Days, 3 Events..On the Hunt for True Conservatives

For the past few days, I've been visiting various grassroots events to encourage them to join Team Huck Michigan. I began by going to the Coffee Beanery in Berkley. I heard an amazing presentation by an environmental engineer with over 30 years of experience. He explained the myth behind global warming, and advised us to "follow the money." The pot at the end of that rainbow is surrounded by global alarmist leprauchauns. These green little devils will dance around the facts, and be glad to steal the gold out of your pockets. The meeting concluded with the speaker making a sobering statement. "I used to deny the truth, thinking I was paranoid, but now I believe this administration is intentionally collapsing the economy of the United States of America. If cap and trade passes, it may be the end of America as we know it." Sadly. all of us had come to the same conclusion (We can't all be conspiracy theorists can we?") The meeting concluded with applications for precinct delegates filled out and a notary republic standing by. Attention grassroots organizations- this is a great idea!

Last night, Tuesday, January 11, 2010, I drove to Plymouth to join http://www.rattlewithus.ning.com/ for their event. Scott Hagerstrom, the Director of Americans for Prosperity in Michigan lectured on how to become an activist. Despite the mini-blizzard, a couple hundred people showed up to get tips on how to grow a grass roots organization. It was fantastic listening to Scott. He advised us to "pick one thing and beat it to death" By focusing on one issue, we can succeed in implementing the change we want. He encouraged us to sign his petition to Governor Granholm to renew her no more taxes pledge. You can sign it here: http://nomitaxhike.com/.

I loved reconnecting with the patriots from Plymouth. I met many of them last spring when the Tea party Express rolled into town. Thousands stood in the rain that day. I wonder how big this crowds will get when the sun is shining? These serious reformers insist on returning to the Constitution and taking this country back. I decided to "rattle with them" and keep an eye for greedy legislators who are looking to tax the change out of my pockets. I joined their ning site- and several have joined ours: http://www.teamhuckmichigan.ning.com/.

Tonight (Wednesday) I travelled to Troy to meet with the tea party patriots there. About 100 people were there. Many Troy residents were missing- their city council was deciding on whether to hike property taxes by 30 percent. I am beginning to think deafness among legislators is contagious.

Wendy Day, Common Sense in Government moderated this amazing meeting. Each speaker took a few minutes to speak from their hearts about Michigan. Many like Wendy travelled for hours to share their insights. Former State Representative Rocky Raczkowski helped convinced his former colleagues to make the trek.

I wish I thought to take notes from the beginning. Instead I'll have to rely on my "sometimer's- befuddled mind," and post what I recall.

Wendy Day, tea party matriach of Michigan began the night by encouraging us to remember that "politicians are not the change, you are. By calling, e-mailing and showing up for protests, legislators will hear you. They are not as "deaf" as the politicians in Washington."

Attorney General Mike Cox (candidate for Governor 2010) spoke next. He floored me when he said he spoke with Harry Reid and told him "If you pass this constitutional abomination, we will sue you and we will win." This is no idle promise- fourteen other Attorney Generals have joined him in opposing this unconstitutional Health Care bill winding its way through Congress.

Kenneth Braun, spoke next. He is the Senior Political Editor of Michigan Capital Constitution, a publication by the Mackinaw Center. This publication informs the voters of the "votes and proposals of the Michigan Legislature". Another great resource is michiganvotes.org where you can see a "sampling of proposed state laws and read about them in the blogosphere. Some of these proposals are a way for Michigan to abstain from participating in the new National Health Care Plan.

The three state constitutional amendments being kicked around basically say "that it is your inalienable right to get the health care of your choice." In other words, government can't make you choose your doctor or health plan.

Senator Mike Bishop, Majority Leader, drove the debate forward. In order to override the federal health care plan a Michigan proposal needs a 2/3 majority vote in the Senate and the House. Approximately 22 State Legislators are on board with this idea. Four more Democrats are needed to assure this amendment to our State Constitution. He said we should call our representatives, especially if they are Democrats.

As for me, I'm calling State Representative Marie Donigan. The last time I tried to talk to her face-to-face, I didn't get two words out before she placed her hands over her ears and ran behind a partition. This was after I listened to her five minute rant on why we needed the first stimulus plan. She wouldn't let me continue after I began with "Marie I listened to you, how about listening to me? I expect that behavior from a child, not a legislator who is supposed to work for us!

Mike Bishop spoke of another method to make sure National Health Care doesn't bankrupt Michigan. That is for Michigan voters to gather 382,000 valid signatures by 7/5/2010. Is it impossible to gather 500,000 signatures (to be safe)? Right to Life did it. It can be done! (Better yet, you don't need a jackhammer to open your representative's ears! My comment-not his)

The evening concluded with the dynamic duo of State Representative Tom McMillan from Troy and Glen Clark, former director of the Christian Coalition of Michigan and Chair of the Republicans 9th District They encouraged us to make a stand, and assured us of our success. "You can take your rights back if you stand together."

Wendy Day concluded by saying "telephone calls to your representative are generally heeded in Lansing."

Well it is now after 1:00 am, and my "sometimers recall disease" is worsening. Join me on the hunt for true conservatives Thursday for Potluck and Politics at the Oakland County GOP Headquarters. All of the contenders for the 9th Distict will be there. The event is posted on www.teamhuckmichigan.ning.com

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