Saturday, January 23, 2010

Protect Life

This will take a moment of your time. It sends a letter to your Senators and Representatives, encouraging them to vote pro-life. Since my representatives are not listening, I'll spend a moment and write to them.

Gary Peters had the audacity to ask the police to cordon off his office. Read what the chair of the MIGOP District 9 said:


TROY, MICHIGAN --- Yesterday, January 19, 2010, the staff of U.S. Congressman Gary Peters (D-MI09) were complacent with building management at Peters’ congressional district office in Troy, Michigan, by standing by after signs were posted at the property entrance which stated “parking for tenants only”. This happened after a local, homegrown tea party was organized to show up at Peters’ office to tell his staff that they are urging Peters to vote no on the Obama-Pelosi-Reid effort to takeover 1/6 of the U.S. economy by nationalizing our healthcare system. Peters’ staff stood in close proximity to the signs which effectively shuts citizens off from his office which is a taxpayer-funded pubic entity. If the public parking lot of his office is for “tenants only” and no parking is permitted on the street outside the building via Troy traffic ordinance, then Peters’ and his staff are in clear violation of congressional mandates on open access for the public to their Representative’s office.

In response to the news of said violation, Chairman Glenn Clark of the 9th Congressional District Republicans stated, “Clearly Congressman Gary Peters and his liberal staff are trying to close themselves off from the working families of Oakland County. They were complacent in having handwritten, temporary signs erected and placed basically telling citizens and voters to stay the heck out of his office because they knew tea party movement activists where coming to visit. Yellow police tape was lining the property boundaries and a police squad car and officer were present as well. We simply urged citizens to petition Peters on their thoughts on the Obama-Pelosi-Reid-Peters healthcare takeover scheme. Peters and his staff must be held accountable for this infraction of congressional guidelines, rules and policies. This creates a dangerous precedent for future efforts of citizens trying to make their voice heard within the halls of Congress.”

Clark went further by saying, “I saw the signs posted telling people that unless they have office space in the building, they could not park or enter. Peters’ had numerous staff members standing there in silent support of shutting out the public --- the actual voters of his district. I understand that Congressman Gary Peters is afraid of the tea party movement that stands against his big government voting record and his support of the ultra-leftwing Obama-Pelosi agenda, but the good people who came to his office yesterday were peaceful citizens of our district and our state. Shame on Peters for erecting “Fortress Peters” right here in Troy, built and paid for by our very own tax dollars. We demand an apology and an investigation by the Government Accounting Office (GAO) of this violation immediately.

Paid for by: 9th District Republican Administrative Account, P.O. box 4553, Troy, MI 48099

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